#fictif stella
micarxena · 1 year
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credit goes to @arimesi for the sketch and the compo. Stole it from them and just balled with it because leaving it unfinished was a no no
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vafr0 · 1 year
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My favorite characters
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cringeanator · 2 years
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so an update on my last legacy sims game, felix became a spell caster and was able to revive rime with the dedeathify spell but then rime died again after catching on fire from cooking mac and cheese
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lastleggysee · 2 years
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What do you mean this isn't how all Starsworn meetings were conducted
(based on this post )
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pugwitharug · 2 years
LegacyTober Day #19: Stella!!
She is here! She's ready to mess with people! Let's see how she does that on this spooky month!
With Felix, she runs away with his potion-making ingredients. Especially if they're dead animals. You'd be surprised at how many potions need dead animal parts. He looks away from the frog he's dissecting for two seconds to check the book--boom, it's in her mouth and she's running away. What will she do? Where will she go? She'll probably put the frog in his favorite slippers.
Anisa, my sweetie, she's trying to make some treats for you. It may not be the best, but she's been working hard to try and improve! And hey, she hasn't burned anything in a long time! Anyway, the way Stella messes with her is by eating the treats. While Anisa is laser focused on making sure nothing goes wrong, she snags a few treats with her little criminal paws. No need to worry about her being poisoned, she eats spirits all the time, some chocolate won't affect her.
She doesn't even really have to try with Sage, her mere presence messes with him. He's at the tavern trying this new hard cider drink (alcoholic, of course) and while he's throwing a tankard back, she hops onto the counter next to him. His tail puffs up and his ears go back and he hisses reflexively, but he's still drinking so he goes into a coughing fit and everyone laughs at him. He wipes the cider from his chin and growls at her, but she just saunters off, looking for a nice glass to knock off the counter.
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silly-little-soul · 2 years
Purr for your thoughts?
A/N: This is a repost from one of my Wattpad accounts, I wrote it forever ago; there’s a bunch of grammar mistakes and it’s generally not very good
(Requests are open)
Fandom: Last Legacy (Fictif)
Format: oneshot
Characters: Stella, briefly Felix (relationship not specified but it's friendly)
Type: crack, slight comfort, I’m not sure tbh
Reader info: 1st person, no 3rd person pronouns
Warnings: some swear words, d/ath related mentions
Word count: 1628
Proofread: no
Summary: after a long day you hang out with Stella
The door clicks as I turn the key Felix gave me. As I open it I am met with utter chaos and while it isn't a surprise to find his study in such a state it still earns a loud groan from me. That is really not something I wanted to deal with today. I flop down on the small sofa and sigh. When Felix asked me to get one of his books he didn't mention I'd have to fight myself through such a mess to find it. The day was already stressful as it was: Sage needed to get bailed out of some trouble, I was assigned the reappearing Saaros-lotion-situation (we stocked up on lotion and thought it as solved but apparently you 'can't use that lotion with these weather conditions'), I unfortunately ran into Felix right as he was searching for someone to test a new spell on and Anisa somehow talked me into taking some of her chores today while she's on some mysterious mission.
I should've just told Felix to get his stuff himself, but no, I thought "how bad can that one little task be compared to all the shit I already did today". Honestly I should've expected something like this from him. Not that I'm mad, it's just frustrating to think I spent all day doing stuff for people that they just see as a small favour while I am completely exhausted with all the crap I did for them.
Little no-big-deal snowballs add up to an avalanche burying me in stress and tiredness.
I'm happy to help out best I can but heck, some appreciation would be nice. But today no one seems to pay attention to me at-
I turn my head to see two big green eyes staring right at me. Well, maybe someone does after all.
"Let me guess.... You want food?"
Stella jumps on the sofa and stretches.
"Hard day, huh? Yeah, me too. Everyone seemed to need help with stuff! You know how annoying it can be to do things for others and not get the recognition you think you deserve. I mean, you've been protecting this place for, actually how long is it? Years I'm sure. I've only once seen Felix even touch you and..... actually, I don't think I've ever seen anyone feed you? Do you even eat?" I laughed lightly "Well, at least that's not what you want from me then. Don'T get me wrong, I would've fed you! I just did so much today already and now I also gotta find that book somewhere in here, gosh I just wanna have dinner and go to bed. It's exhausting to be busy all day with none of it even being for yourself, and then not even being sure if you'll ever get anything back..... do you think I'm being selfish?"
I once again turn my head in her direction and am met with her very confused expression (though... maybe that's just how her face looks?)
I groan at the realisation I'm talking to an undead ball of fluff right now.
"Alright, c'mere zombie kitty", I say as I pat my lap.
Felix has warned me often not to cuddle with or even touch her but hey! She's a little cat. Yeah, she's undead. Yes, she's got some weird super dangerous demon-thingy in her. Yup, she has eaten spirits in my presence multiple times already (wherever these came from). But hey. She's small and fluffy.
After a moment she obeys, making her way on my lap. She curls up there, her stub moving slightly. I rest my hand on her, almost gasping.
"You're so soft!"
She looks up, as if questioning what I said.
"Yes! You're so soft!", I started, switching to baby-voice. "Especially considering that, you know, you're a corpse and all. Such a fluffy little princess! So sooooft. And adorable of course! You're very- geez do you ever blink?"
She kept staring at me a bit longer before I carefully guided her head to lay back on my leg.
"Aaaalright. Yknow little one, you're really awesome. You're doing a great job. You're an amazing little demon cat."
I start stroking her back with my fingertips, afraid to scare her away. When she moves I'm already worried she'll leave, but instead she stretches across my legs to reveal her belly to me. Her cuteness almost makes me squeak, but what actually makes me is how soft her belly fur is.
"So sooooft", I whisper yet again as I pet her, mesmerised by her fluffiness. As I give her little head scratches for a change she slowly reaches out for my sleeve with her little paws. I quickly move my hand a bit in amusement, making her move quickly in an attempt to catch it.
Thinking a moment I remember the ribbon that still lingers in my pocket (for whatever reason), pulling it out with a quick movement that makes Stella basically jump up.
"Heeere kitty kitty kitty", I say smiling as I move it around, leading to Stella sitting in my lap while her front paws are stretched towards the ribbon above her.
It's like she's possessed.
Comedy was always my strength.
Half lost in thoughts I don't even notice when I pull the now-cat-toy a bit too far, only realising my mistake when I hear Stella land on the floor with a thud.
"Stella?" I look over the sofas edge, seeing her lay still with her face turned away from me. "Uhm.... Stella?" I gently tap her back but don't get any response.
Shit, did I break her?
I panic as I realise she isn't breathing for a moment before remembering that of course she doesn't, she didn't before either.... I think.
Just as I'm considering getting Felix she quickly turns her head and grabs the ribbon I no longer paid attention to from my hand and scurries away with it.
I just stare for a moment before chuckling in disbelief. "Clever puss. Is that what Felix meant? You're really evil, huh?" Stella lays a bit further off playing with her new prey and I doubt she's listening, but I continue nonetheless. "Oh, you need a villain name! Something good. Nothing boring like LoRd Of ShAdOwS (lord of shadows), like what kinda name is that? It's always just something with shadows or darkness and then that boring Lord. 'Dark Lord' this 'Lord of Shadows' that, these are so boring!"
I notice Stella is now looking at me like I have her full attention. I still with pride at the thought of her considering my monologue interesting.
"How about.... Furry death? Fiendish floof? Cutie of destruction?" She meows, though I'm not sure if it's in approval or not. Before I can think of another terrible villain name for her she turns away and jumps up the small table, knocking down some papers placed on it by a messy necromancer.
I get up to place the notes back, stacking some of them up to avoid further chaos. Right, the book. I've been gone for a while already, I don't wanna make Felix wait too long. Skimming through the books still on the shelf I notice quickly it must be laying on the floor. I try to make my way back to the sofa to work myself through the mess from there, but accidentally knock over a stack of books.
"Nah shit!" Stella jumps up at the sudden noise, making me sigh yet again. "I'm sorry, Stella." 
After a moment I suddenly feel something softly pressing against my arm. I look to see the little cat put her head against me, now looking up at me.
She almost sounds commanding.
Her little paws carry her down the table and across the floor, where she circles a book with what seems to be some notes and an old cup of tea on it. "Hm?" I Walk over and carefully put papers and cup away, to reveal the very book I was searching.
"You found it!", I cheer as I take Stella into my arms and lift her up. "Thank you, little monster." I nuzzle my face into her back. She's. So. Soft.
Just as I'm about to give her some more cuddles the door opens again.
"Ah, here you are."
I look up to see Felix in the doorway. When he sees Stella in my arms his face turns concerned. "MC-" before he can go on with what definitely would've been a lecture about how Stella is dangerous she jumps out of my embrace and hurries away, distracting Felix for long enough for me to change the subject.
"Er, I got your book. Sorry I kept you waiting." I quickly grabbed it from the floor and made my way over to him.
"Thank you."
"Not to be rude but I think I should get going, find something to eat somewhere and then just head to bed."
I go to move past him, but he stops me.
"Actually, we made dinner"
"We, Uhm, kind of talked and noticed you helped all of us out today so we thought we'd give something back to you."
My heart warms at the gesture, a smile spreading across my face.
"That's so sweet of you guys..."
Felix smiles and motions for me to follow. I turn around one last time, looking at Stella.
She blinks at me slowly, and I return the gesture.
So she does blink.
"Ah, right!" I quickly close the door behind me, catching up with Felix to eat whatever kind of dinner him and the others made.
I'm glad the thought is what counts, cause I doubt it'll be actually edible.
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chaotic-kitty · 2 years
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These two give off the same vibe.🤔
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sweet-milky-tea705 · 2 years
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@dreams-above-the-clouds stella in a box
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choleraciemna · 3 years
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Huh? Abomination?! Speak for yourself you spoiled bembi! 😾 Stella's baby 😻
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gachawipes133 · 2 years
So its 2:12 am and i cant sleep so i made something😍
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Omg guys Stella has a new business😍💅
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vafr0 · 1 year
Maybe some Rime and Felix interactions? I really wish we had more of them
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Maybe one day I'll finish this
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hatsune-yeetku · 3 years
Bruh watch Stella be the god that cursed Felix lmao
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checkered-knox · 3 years
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kailoweenie · 3 years
I might start posting the textposts I made on Tumblr aswell, here's one of em
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crystal-orange · 4 years
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Y’all can’t tell me you wouldn’t max out your credit cards for Stella 😤
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